Hello, and you are all kindly invited to the launch of the new publication
“Just Transformations: grassroots struggles for alternative futures”
in which co-authors from Argentina, India, Turkey, Belgium, Canada, Bolivia, England, Venezuela and Lebanon will share the results of the ACKnowl_EJ (Academic and Activist Co-produced Knowledge of Environmental Justice) Project. ACKnowl-EJ was one of the first three Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) international research projects funded by the International Science Council (ISC).
Edited by Iokiñe Rodriguez, Mariana Walter and Leah temper, with from contributions from a wide variety of co-authors, including Ashish Kothari, Begüm Özkaynak, Ethemcan Turhan, Cem İskender Aydın, Arpita Lulla, Mirna Inturias, Rania Masri, Lena Weber, Jérôme Pelenc, Meenal Tatpati, Mukesh Shende, Shruti Ajit, Aguilar, Neema Pathak Broome, Shrishtee Bajpai and Jen Golby among others.Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 12 pm UTC-GMT /12 pm UK/1 pm Spain/ 5.30 pm India/9 am Argentina
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81704189296
Translation into Spanish will be available
The Just Transformations book can be downloaded free here: https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/77032
Book Synopsis:
The climate crisis is the greatest existential threat humanity faces today. The need for a radical societal transformation in the interests of social justice and ecological sustainability has never been greater. But where can we turn to find systemic alternatives?
From India, Turkey and Bolivia, to Venezuela, Canada and Lebanon, Just Transformations looks to local environmental struggles for the answers. With each case study grounded in the social movements and specific politics of the region in question, this volume investigates the role that resistance movements play in bringing about sustainable transformations, the strategies and tools they utilise to overcome barriers, and how academics and grassroots activists can collaborate effectively.
The book provides a toolkit for scholar-activists who want to build transformative visions with communities. Interrogating each case study for valuable lessons, the contributors develop a conceptualisation of a just transformation that focuses on the changes that communities themselves are trying to produce.