For nearly two and a half decades now the Protected Area Update (PAU) has religiously presented a consolidated account of India’s wildlife and protected area (PA) network. Published six times a year, it carries in a tightly edited format, news and information of what is happening in, to and around these national parks and sanctuaries that have been at the core of India’s wildlife conservation strategy. In the second of a series of edited books that synthesis this huge body of information on geographical lines The State of Wildlife and Protected Areas in Maharashtra – News and information from the Protected Area Update 1996–2015 presents a consolidated historical account of developments in the PA network in Maharashtra over two decades. While the primary unit still remains the individual protected area, the time line has changed from two months of one issue to 20 years that this publication covers. In following one news item after another about any particular PA we see what happened month after month, year after year; what developments recurred at what periodicity; what were the issues that were important and what was done about them – it’s an important glimpse into the contemporary history of a place (many places) marked on the map as a protected area.
Print copies are available for sale at Rs. 400 and for a a discounted price of Rs. 300 please write to [email protected] to order copies and/or further information.